1-Getting to know eachother students and teachers  ( web tool:twinboard, zepeto,voki, bitmoji,)

2-Info about your school (web tool:padlet,twinboard)

3-Mark your school,city and country on the map (web tool:wakelet,twinboard)

Students will introduce themselves by updating their profiles in the TwinSpace, writing a short description about themselves and about the place they live in.

4-Funny Acrostics Activity
(web tool: dotstorming)
We will use DOTSTORMING for this activity.We will write our names and find the adjectives starting with the same letters of our names' letters.
5-Some warm-up activities should be done in this period
(web tool : jigsawplanet, worditout, wordcloud, wordart, wordwall, mindmeister)
We will create a puzzle by using JIGSAWPLANET
We will create some wordclouds about water by using WORDCLOUD,WORDITOUT,WORDART
We will create some online games  about water by using WORDWALL
Teachers will write some important details about water by using MIND MEISTER 


1-Logo contest of the Project  should be done by teachers(web tool:canva,logomaker,postermywall, , tricider,goggle forms)

2-Posters with an effective slogan should be done by students (web tool:canva, logomaker, postermywall, tricider, goggle forms )

3-pre-Evaluation 1 A survey should be done including some questions about water  (web tool:answergarden,surveymonkey,googleforms)

4--Catch water pollution by a photo and make them speak  (web tools:  Blabberize,SpeakPic,Chatterpix)


1- A common task decided by project partners 

We will create a comic book using TOONYTOOL and an E-BOOK maker.Students and teachers will create a character and use sayings about water.Then they will translate it into English and share it with us.We will use a book creator to collect them all.
2- Is water pollution really dangerous?  Why?  What do you think about water shortage? (web tools: Mind-Map-maker,coggle,linoit)
3-online meeting  for teachers (whatsapp ,skype,twinspace)
4-Collect information about the solutions/suggestions for water pollution and water shortage and record a video about it. (web tool:video editing applications, )

1-Before-After Covıd-19

2-eTwinning day ( May 9th)

Celebrations and giving certificates

3-Collaborative Water Glossary e-Book  (web tools: Flipsnack,storyjumper,bookcreator,madmagz,mixbook)
4-Kahoot Game

1-Evaluation & Assessment

3-2-1 exit card   (web tools : linoit,google docs)

2-Evaluation survey 2  (web tool:answergarden,surveymonkey,)

3-Filling the application form of Quality Labels

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